From the Director's Desk
Dear AGS Parents,
This school year is off to a great start. AGS teachers are so happy with their students. And indeed, we are lucky to have them in our program. Each grade level team has been busy planning learning opportunities for your children. In addition to the full scale learning expeditions that have been planned for each grade level, we also have several day trips planned to further complement curricular connections in the classroom. For example, the freshmen will be taking a day trip on October 16, while the sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT and the seniors will have the morning off! Meanwhile, the sophomores plan to make a trek out to Enchanted Rock at the end of October and the juniors will be heading to NASA in November. Seniors will participate in activities at St. Edwards University at the end of November during International Education week. In short, all grade levels will be busy using their community as a classroom and getting out and about, while undertaking engaging study across a variety of topics. In other news, the AGS parent booster club, the Amigos is hosting a Parent Mingle on September 30. This is a fun night for parents to get to know each other, learn more about Amigos and their work, win prizes, enjoy food and drink, and hear a program update from me. This night also includes a silent auction, door prizes and other fun surprises, so be sure to come. It starts at 6 and will be held right up the road from Austin High at the American Legion Hall on Veteran’s Blvd. |